Point of Care Diagnostics in the ICU
Paans, Wolter
Toepassing van POCT
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
Symposium HealthTech in Society
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
Point of Care Technology
Dijkhuis, Talko
Modern Times in Point of Care Diagnostics
Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
Plotting on the blockchain. On the possibility of care among widespread logics of extraction
Gloerich, Inte (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie)
Intentie tot gebruik van Point of Care testen onder huisartsen
Verheijen, D (Danielle) (Student)
Smart Nursing Care
Groenendijk, G (Gideon) (Student)
Mobiles for mobility
Fenne Verhoeven (Lid Lectoraat); M. Schoone; Anita Cremers (Lector); Jelle van Dijk
Lars Veenendaal (Student); Arno Kamphuis (Begeleider)