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(Thursday 10.00 - 10.30)

Poster session H

Vocational education
Chair: Regina Mulder, University of Regensburg, Germany

Tools for the learning process: from disturbance analysis to understanding service concepts

Heli Heikkilä,
Marika Schaupp

(Tools for the learning process: from disturbance analysis to understanding service concepts)
Does competence-based education work? The relationship between different competence-based learning environments, students’ learning conceptions, and learning outcomes

Elly de Bruijn

(Does competence-based education work? The relationship between different competence-based learning environments, students’ learning conceptions, and learning outcomes)
The International Baccalaureate vocational project: Findings of an international pilot into vocational/career-related courses using two case studies in Finland

Richard Caffyn
(The International Baccalaureate vocational project: Findings of an international pilot into vocational/career-related courses using two case studies in Finland)
Professionalization by common basis qualifications across professions - Development of an action-oriented curriculum for the 1st year of VET

Cindy Grzanna,
Bärbel Fürstenau

(Professionalization by common basis qualifications across professions - Development of an action-oriented curriculum for the 1st year of VET)
The evaluation project of nursing students´ professional growth in three subprojects

Pirjo Havukainen,
Anne Vesterinen

(The evaluation project of nursing students' professional growth in three subprojects)
Work-based learning as an expedient for reducing drop-out in vocational education

Aini-Kristiina Jäppinen

(Work-based learning as an expedient for reducing drop-out in vocational education)
The role of guidance in students’ learning and vocational identity formation at work

Anne Virtanen,
Päivi Tynjälä

(The role of guidance in students’ learning and vocational identity formation at work)