Rauw diervoer
Blankenberg, K. (Student); Tellegen, M.
Effect van zwemwater en eibewaartijd op de microbiologische eendeneischaalkwaliteit
With, G. de (Student); Lourens, S.
Periodic revisions of the international choices criteria
Roodenburg, A.J.C. (Lector); Assum, S. van den; Schilpzand, R.; Lissner, L.; Don, R.; Nair, K.M.; Nnam, N.; Uauy, R.; Yand, Y.; Gulden Pekcan, A.
Risk perceptions of public health and food safety hazards in poultry husbandry by citizens, poultry farmers and poultry veterinarians
Asselt, M. van; Poortvliet, P.M.; Ekkel, E.D.
Fast-tracking adoption of food safety and standards in the domestic fresh mango value chain
Tito, B.M. (Student); Kijne, A.G.
Assessing the Impact of Aquaculture production on the Livelihood Asset for promoting food security and sustainable livelihoods
Mhangwa, G. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
A cross-disciplinary mixed-method approach to understand how food retail environment transformations influence food choice and intake among the urban poor
Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O (Lector); Raneri, J.E.
Het creëren van meer bewustwording op het gebied van voedselveiligheid en kwaliteit onder werknemers van Van Vliet
Spinhoven, Iris (Student); Elsinga, Lisette
Best practices implementing FSSC 22000
Buitelaar, M. (Student); Akkermans, C.
Perception of the convenience of a digital data registration system in a food processing company
Kamphuis, S. (Student); Lis, O.